Действующий коллектив кафедры клинической диагностики благодарен всем преподавателям, научным работникам, лаборантам, которые работали в разные годы и своим самоотверженным трудом способствовали её становлению и развитию. Сотрудники в полной мере осознают важность и сложность стоящих перед ними задач по совершенствованию учебно-воспитательного процесса, научно-исследовательской работы, оказанию практической помощи производству. Их решение и приумножение имеющихся достижений являются основными направлениями деятельности кафедры в настоящее время и на перспективу.
Department of clinical diagnostics was founded in 1926. Currently the teaching staff of the Department comprises 9 lecturers, including one full professor, 5 associate professors, 3 assistants and 3 laboratory assistants. The head of the Department is Yury Kavalionak, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, who is an internationally recognized scientist and educational leader in the field of non-infectious diseases of animals.
Every Year more than 800 trainees are admitted to carry out training, research and rendering service in the areas of clinical and laboratory examination of animals, clinical biochemistry and endocrinology. Our teaching covers both undergraduate and postgraduate education using modern approaches and technologies.
The main aim of education at the Department is teaching students to perform a detailed clinical and laboratory examination of an individual animal and to increase the awareness of more advanced techniques used in further investigations and therapy.
Clinical examination is a fundamental part of the process of veterinary diagnosis. It provides veterinarian with the information required to determine the disease or diseases producing clinical abnormalities. In addition, the information derived from the clinical examination should assist veterinarian in determining the severity of the pathophysiological processes present. Without a proficient clinical examination and accurate diagnosis it is unlikely that the treatment, control, prognosis and welfare of animals will be optimised.
The Department is involved in realization of Scientific and Technical Programmes at national and international levels. From its foundation until now the lecturers of the Department have defended 6 DVM and more than 20 Ph.D theses.
We belive that the results of our teaching and research will help promote animal health and well-being.